Pilates - Power. Purpose. Pilates

Change your body with an effective program that develops core strength, stability, flexibility and mobility.
Are you looking to strengthen your abdominals and pelvis as well as maintain good posture, then Pilates is for you. It also has a strong mind/body connection so it is great for athletes and those who need to improve focus and concentration.
Experience personalized instruction with our best-in-class Pilates coaches as they work to understand your goals and body, and develop the right program for you.

Your first step is the Coach’s assessment, which includes an in-depth medical, injury, and fitness questionnaire, body composition index, movement screen, and postural analysis.

Your coach will evaluate your history and objectives to create your personal roadmap. Since needs, goals and lives change, the conversations between you and your coach will play a vital role in your success. Because at the end of the day, it’s about performing at your peak — while living your ideal life.

“Pilates…..While recognizing age related loss of flexibility and core strength is inevitable, based upon my experience as an orthopedic surgeon of 45 years, reversal of this decline is, at best, extraordinarily difficult.  Thus, it came as a total surprise to me how potent Pilates is in mitigating the decline.  After only 3 sessions with Nancy Carroll, I was stunned over how much flexibility I recovered, as well as making progress with improving my core strength.  It’s no secret that elderly folks who lose core strength which results in instability, suffer serious fall injuries.  Nearly 50% of elderly patients who sustain hip fractures experience life ending complications following surgery.  I am a firm devotee of Pilates and highly recommend Nancy Carroll as its new age guru.”

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Highly Individualized Personal Training Coaching

Built with science and delivered with passion, our certified Personal Training professionals will develop a personalized training plan that fits your body and lifestyle. 
We will match you with the right coach for your needs, and help you to create a schedule that works for you. Choose one weekly session as an anchor workout to motivate and keep you accountable. Or, make it two or three times a week, to work on your Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Wellbeing with a coach dedicated to help you be your best. The sky’s the limit… you can even mix and match with adding other services offered or another coach to add some variety to your routine! Whether you are looking to lose weight, strength training, sports performance, power, flexibility, cardio conditioning, Pilates, or a combination, our coaches will show you how to create programs that work for you. 

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We are passionate about what goes into your body. Our goal is to help you know what foods are best so that you lose weight, get energized, stay lean, get stronger and improve your health for life.

Our mission is to help you to perform to the best of your ability, increase your energy, reduce inflammation, reduce pain, so that you increase your quality of life.

We know the food you eat becomes your body’s medicine. The food you eat is like fuel. It gives your body the energy it needs to function optimally. Food affects every aspect of your being: energy, mood, thinking capacity, performance, sleeping habits, weight, digestion and inflammation. Healthy eating is one of our keys to help you accomplish complete well-being.

Our way of eating is based on a new lifestyle with an abundance of healthy foods. “My aim is to help you make simple changes that will begin to take effect immediately and one that will last for life”- Chantal

Our strategy is based on the fundamental principles of eating foods that will help you perform at your very best.

We will individualize your nutrition program so that you may have the energy to be more productive at home and at work.

  1. Great carbohydrates: these are the carbs without the added refined sugar. These healthy carbohydrates contain the naturally occurring sugars that the body can easily and slowly metabolize for balanced brain function and useful energy.

  2. Great proteins: these are the building block of your muscles. Therefore, eating adequate amounts of protein helps you maintain your muscle mass and promotes muscle growth when you do strength training.

  3. Great fats: we focus on the essential fatty acids which help you metabolize fat. These foods contain healthy fats which are necessary for aiding weight reduction, lowering cholesterol, enhancing immunity, nourishing skin, hair, and bone tissue.

  4. Unprocessed foods: these are the foods that have no added chemicals or other additives. We focus you on food in its original state, the way nature grew it.

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Professional Speaking Engagements

Educate, Equip, Engage, and inspire the world

Carlos Rivas, MS, CSCS, ACSM, is a dynamic speaker, teacher, coach, and visionary leader.
Carlos delivers powerful presentations to companies seeking to improve overall well-being, engagement, productivity, and performance.
These motivating and inspiring seminars will help you and your team live your lives full of purpose and meaning.

“Being Your Best is the Standard”

Carlos Rivas, MS, CSCS, ACSM, ACLS holds bachelor’s degrees in Exercise Science & Sports Medicine, Health Promotion and Counseling, and a Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology. He is fascinated by the people and organizations that make the greatest and lasting impact in their organizations and communities. He is best known for coaching & developing people in high-performance teams.
We all want to perform. To be our best when it matters most – in work and life. Yet in today’s stress-filled, 24/7 world, we can feel unfocused, unmotivated and depleted. Get ready to change!
We facilitate individual mindset change in people at all levels of an organization and families. We provide the implementation and follow-up support needed to help you become your best self.


  • The Power of active listening
  • The Power of Awareness: How you and others show up.
  • The Power of productive conflict.
  • Setting the STANDARD in the workplace.
  • The Power of Recognition.
  • Event + Response = OUTCOME
  • You have to give up “good” to get to “great.”
  • Hard choices, easy life; Easy choices, hard life.
  • To whom much is given, much is required.
  • The heart of leadership: influence + responsibility.
  • The art of relationship building
  • LIFE happens OUTSIDE your comfort zone.
  • Value people and add value to people.

Companies that have worked with Carlos include Humana, Brown Forman, ISCO, Dow, LG&E, University of Louisville, Frost Brown Todd, ACBL, DDW, GE, Norton Healthcare, and Louisville Slugger

Carlos @ TED Talks

Sports Performance

Our coaches work with athletes ages 10 years and up, high school & college athletes, and professional athletes.

Our coaching philosophy is simple: Provide our athletes with the most effective, up-to-date education, sports nutrition, training techniques, technology and the most inspiring coaching environment possible.

Your head coach will empower, equip, and encourage you to keep improving so that you:

  • Make your team
  • Starting for your team
  • Earn all-conference
  • Earn a college scholarship
  • Play professional sports
  • Earning MVP in your league
  • Make a difference in others

Online Programs: The Transformation Season

You need guidance and world-class advice to reach a more meaningful life full of love, joy, peace, and abundance. Meet your Head coach!

Carlos has a devotion to helping you become your best. “The Best is the Standard” has always been his motto everywhere he has been and with everything he does.
He has been studying high performance and high performers for over 30 years. He knows there really are just 3 strategies to help you unlock your fullest potential so that you may experience a more meaningful life.
He’s been the personal development trainer for other trainers, coaches, athletes, best-selling authors, entrepreneurs, and people who desire more out of life. His techniques have been shown to dramatically improve competence, confidence, career success, interpersonal relationships, work quality, and focus. Now Carlos Rivas can be YOUR Head Coach!

Carlos can help you:

  • Get energized, breakthrough emotional blocks, and determine your specific strategies and habits you need to become the best version of yourself.
  • Implement the research-backed habits shown to help you increase competence, confidence, and focus to help you become successful in every area of your life.
  • Stick to the mindset and habits needed for a healthier and happier life.
  • Become more productive and self-disciplined.
  • Become inspired so that you are motivated to get the right things done.
  • Lead others and dramatically improve your relationships and life!

Inspire Your Mindset. Change your life.

Just like athletes need a head coach to improve, YOU need a coach to see your actions, show you a better way, keep you on track, and ultimately reach goals beyond your imagination. 

That’s why this day and this moment is important for you. 

Today, I’m offering to coach you and train you on the very same principles and achievement strategies I’ve taught CEOs, entrepreneurs, athletes, and high performance teams.

Let me help you develop the right mindset, habits, and spiritual energy required to change your life and live your dreams. Let’s do this!

You just have to signup to be part of  the Transformation Season

I go live online and coach and train you on how to reach success and high performance in life. You get the latest strategies, research and tools that help you design your dream life, and lead and contribute at the highest levels.

MyHeadCoach by Carlos Rivas helps you become your own head coach. Our process will inspire you to become your best self by limiting distractions and focusing you on what makes you perform at your best. Our professionals are uniquely equipped to assess, train, treat and support people of all ages, and athletes at all levels that may be hampered with injuries, limited movement abilities, back and joint problems, or those who simply want to perform at the highest level. Our coaches are trained to work synergistically with other Professional Health Practitioners, Surgeons, Physical Therapists, and Chiropractors to provide a variety of specialized training and therapeutic services to complement other modalities.


People think they have this illusion of choice. Like I can do whatever I want to do. And you kind of have a generation now that doesn’t always get told no, they don’t always get told this is exactly how you need to do it. So they have this illusion that they have all these choices.”The fact of the matter is, to be great, you really don’t have a lot of choices. Because it takes what it takes. You have to do what you have to do to be successful. So you have to make choices and decisions to have the discipline and focus to the process of what you need to do to accomplish your goals.”

Get ready to change with our brand new program!

The Transformation Season” begins January 1, 2021!

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Below are the 4 Phases we will be transitioning you to and from. Get ready to TRANSFORM!

The Athlete: The athlete represents a more ambitious stage of life. This being a stage that we perhaps find ourselves unable to move away from depending on how we progress. It is a much more selfish place to live and from it, you’re only focused on how you are and where you’re headed.

The Warrior: This is a more-so adult phase of our lives and holds a lot of goals within it. We work much harder in this area and are more prepared to dive into battle or get things done so that we can achieve more. Very much like the athlete some people get stuck in this stage as well.

The Steward: This phase in life is much more selfless than the previous ones and is rooted in making this world a better place for others and for those who will be here long after we are gone.

The Spirit: This phase is all about realizing that we are not just human beings but spiritual beings. In this area, our energies as a whole work to shift into a more transformative state and we begin to understand ourselves, others, and the world in a much more loving, joyful, peaceful, and kind way. We finally let go of fear and we accept FAITH.